Market Garden, Kuranda

Job name/location:
Market Garden, Kuranda

3000 m

Client vision/project scope:
An aesthetically pleasing market garden and orchard to produce organic fruit, vegetables, herbs and spices; Serving as a showcase for local and international visitors. Prepare tiers for organic food production which will be intended for a market garden. Growing poly­cultural crops with an intermix of different coloured plant species for an aesthetic appeal and pest management. The tiers are to be modified to improve erosion control and water retention.

Market Garden, Kuranda

Case Study
Detailed design and manual and implementation. We installed over 50 x 15m grow beds for annual market garden vegetables. We stabilized the perimeter around the site with erosion control measures including rock drains, zuni’s bowls and vetiver grass sediment retention.

Jay Jackson

My mission is to serve as many people as possible to live more connected within ourselves, with others and with mother earth by applying permaculture principles and ethics to our everyday lives.


Permaculture Power Up 2 day workshop


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